The course catalog includes a catalog manager that provides administrators with a way to create filtered lists of courses or a specific course that can be displayed with a unique URL (hyperlink). When a visitor clicks on the link, they are directed to the course catalog where a specific course or list of courses is displayed.

In addition to the custom link to the filtered catalog list, the catalog manager also allows administrators to insert a tracking code into the link. Any user who clicks the link and registers for a course during their visit to the site will have that tracking code inserted into their registration and account reports. This feature allows instructors to measure the effectiveness of a specific course link. This feature also allows instructors to sort registration reports based on the link that the user arrived from. If desired, an instructor can create multiple filtered lists of the same course or courses with different tracking codes and provide a unique link to each partner, customer group, or hosting web site.

For instructions on how to create filtered catalog links: Click Here